Saturday 8 March 2014

Thursday 6 March 2014

Josh's Infographic

Hey y'all, while the Olympics were underway, it struck me that I had no idea what Canada's Olympic contributions have been. I did a little research and came up with some numbers and figures that I thought would make for an interesting infographic! 

Have a look, what you find might surprise you.


Tuesday 4 March 2014

Marlena's Infographic

For my infographic, I wanted to choose a topic where by doing my research, I would also be learning something new for myself. Music benefits and affects our mind and body in many different ways, and I find it all so very fascinating. I feel that music is a huge part of our lives in some form or another, and so I felt I should explore the psychology side of it all - digging up interesting facts that most people might not have known about. Feel free to check out the sources I've included for more info. Enjoy!


Sunday 2 March 2014

Reine's Infographic

The pacific northwest is the perfect hunting ground for wild mushrooms because of our temperate rainforest weather and mild temperatures throughout the year. Fungi appear like clockwork. My info-graphic provides basic information and scheduling for those looking to enjoy some of the edible fungi available to us here. This is not intended to replace a manual, but to showcase the variety and basic principals used in finding and collecting wild mushrooms. Always consult an expert and multiple guides if you are planning on consuming any wild mushrooms or plants.


Melissa's Infographic

Please click here for full-size

The wrongly convicted an infographic on injustice.

I was reading the Newspaper a few weeks ago and had noticed an article on a man who had recently been released from jail from being wrongly convicted. It sparked a meaningful internal conversation with myself and was the sole inspiration for creating this info graphic. Once I had a solid foot in on the research I realized I had discovered a pretty wide selection of data. There is certainly an array of shocking statistics, as there is a fair amount of controversy surrounding the topic. But I can't help putting myself in someone else's shoes, some who has no choice but to follow along, known all the while they are innocent. I would like to emphasize this is specifically a school project for our class blog.


Friday 28 February 2014

Jen's Infographic

Salutations, friends and Internet strangers! 

We have something in common: a thing for really pretty typography by way of informative eye candy that is the infographic. Or, you've been bullied into visiting the site with no former interest in design or knowledge of what the heck an infographic is. That's ok, too. Either way, you'll leave the site with a little more knowledge about a lot of things, coconuts included. A newbie to the Palaeolithic style of eating, I'm a big fan of coconuts, coconut oil, coconut butter – you name it, I eat it by the tub. Hopefully this little infographic will give you insight into its awesomeness.

In love and coconuts,


Wednesday 26 February 2014

Hailey's Infographic

Hi there,

I'm Hailey Rankin, thanks for stopping by to check out my infographic. I chose to make it about dreams because there are so many interesting things about dreams and sleep that aren't commonly known. It was a great topic to research and fun to learn about.
