Sunday, 2 March 2014

Reine's Infographic

The pacific northwest is the perfect hunting ground for wild mushrooms because of our temperate rainforest weather and mild temperatures throughout the year. Fungi appear like clockwork. My info-graphic provides basic information and scheduling for those looking to enjoy some of the edible fungi available to us here. This is not intended to replace a manual, but to showcase the variety and basic principals used in finding and collecting wild mushrooms. Always consult an expert and multiple guides if you are planning on consuming any wild mushrooms or plants.



  1. this is beautiful, original and has great color combinations and well thought out type

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Really nice Reine - love the colours & composition.

  4. Very well done and exactly what's needed. Thank you for the invaluable graphic if only for its ability to create and enhance awareness of our local organic abundance. Kudos
